...«To create her photographs, Sherman shoots alone in her studio, assuming multiple roles as author, director, make-up artist, hairstylist, wardrobe mistress, and of course, model. The idea and experience of getting dressed up and putting on a show is central to Sherman’s practice, yet Sherman is also careful to closely manage the detail of each performance. Every bulge of flesh, strand of hair, rouged cheek or wrinkled brow is deliberately orchestrated to construct a vividly real yet curiously inscrutable character. The tension between pathos and alienation which Sherman’s figures evoke in the viewer are heightened by the contexts in which they appear, always obviously staged and cleverly apposite. Her creations are photographed in front of a green screen, and then digitally inserted onto backgrounds which are shot and manipulated separately, scenarios which elaborate and complicate the narrative constructed by Sherman’s garb and gaze»... Sprüth Magers London, CINDY SHERMAN, 16 April - 27 May 2009.
Mundo Novo & Natura Naturans
Exposição de Ilídio Salteiro e Dora Iva Rita no Salão da SNBA, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes em Lisboa, de 6 de fevereiro a 2 de março ...

Exposição de Ilídio Salteiro e Dora Iva Rita no Salão da SNBA, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes em Lisboa, de 6 de fevereiro a 2 de março ...
Por João Paulo Queiroz Fig. 1. Ilídio Salteiro, Babel (2) , 2017. Óleo sobre tela, 150 cm x 200 cm. Coleção B.E Neste...